Thursday, November 08, 2007

Urgent News Flash!!!

Fat girls don't get hit on as often as models!!!!! I'm truly stunned. http:/ Next up: ugly people have trouble finding dates and rude people are often referred to as assholes. See our important investigative news story tonight. When will ET learn that we don't want investigative journalism when we watch this show. This show is the equivalent of what I would take to the can while taking a shit, so I don't expect nor want "investigative journalism". I don't take "Newsweek" with me to the toilet because I can't finish the articles. Unless I'm REALLY sick, that is. Plus it's not "investigative" when you state what the rest of the friggin' conscious world already knows.

It was just a year or so ago that ET sent Vanessa Manillo out in a fat suit to prove the same thing. What's the fatty obsession over there at ET? Any why do they think this is "news" to anyone but them? Maybe it was the idiot models' idea. Next up, models are often stupid. Any woman that's ever been even vaguely chunky knows the world can be a cruel place. Anyway, those fat suits are way worse than the real fat would be at that size. Plus I think some of their chubby cheeks are starting to peel off which doesn't help turn the dudes on.

I'm tempted to find one of these model types, sit on her and force feed her, a la "gluttony" in the movie "Seven" and let her see what life is REALLY like when you're that fat and can't lose the weight when you go home at night....

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